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WPCA Approved Minutes, Special Meeting 06/22/2009
A.        ROLL CALL
Members Present:     Joseph Carino, Robert Dickinson, Frank Ferrero, Ed Havens, Jr., Carol Fletterick
Members Absent:      Richard Aries, Michael Patitucci
Alternates Present:    Thomas Deming sitting in for Richard Aries
                                    Richard Siedman sitting in for Michael Patitucci
Alternates Absent:     None
Staff Present:              C. Fred Shaw, Superintendent of Pollution Control
                                    Michael Gantick, Director of Public Works
                                                Donna Thompson, Recording Secretary
Chairman Carino called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m.  The following actions were taken during the June 22, 2009 Special Meeting of the W.P.C.A.  Chairman Carino appointed Mr. Thomas Deming to sit in for Mr. Richard Aries.  Also, Chairman Carino appointed Mr. Richard Siedman to sit in for Mr. Michael Patitucci.
B.                 UNFINISHED BUSINESS
1.  Set Sewer User Rates for Fiscal Year 2009/2010, including Pro-rate adjustments (for approval)
Mr. Shaw presented his recommendations for Sewer User Rates for Fiscal Year 2009/2010, including Pro-rate adjustments, as shown in Exhibit A.  Based on recalculation of the projection information previously presented to the Town Council, the recommended sewer user rate would be $340.00 per 93,000 gallons per user.  This rate includes the Ellington Road pump station improvements approved by the WPCA.
Mr. Siedman stated that he thought the cost for the pump station improvements was going to go to referendum in November.  Mr. Shaw said that the referendum had been defeated once already and did not think it prudent to try again at this time.  Mr. Siedman suggested changing the wording of the referendum so that residents understood it better.  Mr. Shaw stated that the pamphlet distributed prior to the original referendum had sufficient information for residents to make their decision.
Mike Gantick, Director of Public Works, stated that there are other referendum questions being proposed for November (i.e., open space task force and Board of Ed) and that it is not advisable to have too many questions on a referendum or referendums too often.  Mr. Gantick said that borrowing costs money, project bids have been coming in 30% lower than expected, and a federal grant application has been made.  Mr. Gantick stated that the pump stations are aging and should be attended to in a timely manner – if one fails it would be very costly.
 Mr. Siedman suggested doing one pump station this year and putting the other 3 to referendum.  If the referendum fails, then do one pump station each year.  If the grant is approved, there would be no need for the referendum.
Mr. Ferrero stated it is not a good idea to have frequent referendums.  The public doesn’t really like referendums.  Mr. Carino feels that sending the pump station question to referendum again would be a bad precedent. 
Mr. Siedman was concerned about keeping fees as low as possible for as long as possible in these economic times.
Mr. Carino asked Mr. Shaw if his recommendations and projections addressed fixing one pump station at a time? Yes.  User fee reflects that? Yes.
Motion to approve Sewer User Rates, including the Pro-rate adjustments, for Fiscal Year 2009/2010 as shown in Exhibit A.
Was made by Mr. Dickinson.
Seconded by Mr. Siedman
The motion carried unanimously.
Motion to adjourn the meeting at 5:52 p.m.
Was made by Mr. Havens
Seconded by Ms. Fletterick
The motion carried unanimously.
Respectfully Submitted,
Donna Thompson
Recording Secretary